Medication Policy - Health Related Information - Our District - Jackson Preparatory & Early College

Medication Policy

Use of Prescription Medications 

In accordance with JPEC Board Policy, neither the Board of Governors nor JPEC administration/faculty shall be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness. The administration of prescribed medication and/or medically-prescribed treatments to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to do so would jeopardize the health of the student, the student would not be able to attend school if the medication or treatment were not made available during school hours, or the child is disabled and requires medication to benefit from his/her educational program. Before any prescribed medication or treatment may be administered to any student during school hours, JPEC will require the written prescription from the child’s physician and the written authorization of the parent. 

  • Medication will be administered in the main office by a JPEC faculty member in the presence of another adult. 
  • Only medication in its original container (labeled with the date, dosage, and student’s name) will be administered. 
  • All medication will be kept in a locked storage case in the JPEC office. 
  • A log for all prescribed medication will be maintained. The log will note the person administering the medication, the date and time of day. 

Students may possess and use an inhaler for relief of asthma, provided that the following conditions are met: 

  •  JPEC possesses written approval from the student’s physician and the student’s parent/guardian 
  • JPEC possesses a copy of the student’s emergency care plan 

Note:  Parents MUST furnish an emergency care plan for all students who may require an emergency medication (those with asthma, diabetes, food allergies, etc.) Only trained staff members may administer medication requiring intravenous or intramuscular injection or the insertion of a device into the body when both the medication and the procedure are prescribed by a physician. 

Use of Non-Prescription Medication

Parents must provide all medications labeled with their student's name to be kept in the main office. This includes all over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, etc. These medications will be administered as needed, and the dosage will be based on age/weight as instructed on the medication container.

A JPEC staff member may administer non-prescription medication (antibiotic ointment, antacids, etc.) only if the student has a signed Permission to Administer Non-Prescription Medicine form on file. The form will be presented to parents at orientation and is available upon request. Students are also allowed to bring their own non-prescription medication, along with a signed permission slip, to be administered by the administrative staff.