
School Entry Immunization Documentation Requirements for the 2024-2025 school year

Since 1978 Michigan Law requires that each student upon entry into kindergarten or into a new school district involving grades 1‐12 possess a certificate of immunization at the time of registration and no later than the first day of school. Additionally, an immunization assessment must be completed for each seventh-grade student. These laws were implemented to ensure that children are adequately immunized against vaccine‐preventable diseases prior to achieving adolescence.

Prior to a child entering or attending school, parents or guardians are required to produce documentation confirming their child has received all required immunizations, or in the alternative, their child has received at least one dose of each required immunization and is awaiting receipt of subsequent doses to be administered at appropriate intervals. There are also provisions to waive vaccines under certain circumstances. If you have a kindergarten student, a seventh-grade student, or are enrolling a student who is new to the school district or new to a private school you must present immunization documentation to your school at the time you register that student or not later than the first day of school.

Where can I get my child immunized?

Jackson County Public Health - or call (517) 788.4420 to schedule an appointment.

Immunization Waiver Information

In December 2014, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for the state of Michigan approved a new educational requirement for Michigan parents opting their children out of getting vaccinated before entering school.

The new rule allows parents/guardians to have the opportunity to speak with a health educator from their local health department about their concerns and questions regarding immunizations prior to the nonmedical waiver being signed. 

Any parent/guardian who wants to claim a nonmedical waiver will need to receive education regarding the benefits of vaccination and the risks of disease from a county health department before obtaining the certified nonmedical waiver form through the Local Health Department. 

MDHHS site for Immunization Waiver Information

For support with questions regarding immunizations, feel free to contact our central office (517) 705.5732